Looks like your trip is pretty complex, so we'd like to help you plan personally (at no extra charge). Please give us a little information about you and your trip in a live chat, and our team in New York will help you find all your options and prices.
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This change will be applied to all the vehicles in this booking. If the change needs to be applied to only this vehicle please reach out to your rep or email at support@buster.com
I want to... | Instructions |
Change the dates/times | Simply edit the times to what they need to be. If we wanted to depart 1 day earlier, simply change the date to 1 day earlier in the planner. In the example Ohio trip, this would mean changing the departure from Monday to Sunday for the first trip, or Tuesday to Monday for the second trip (only one trip is displayed in the planner at a time, but changes affect all selected trips). The Monday trip would now depart at Sunday 9am and the Tuesday trip would now depart at Monday 1pm. Notice how the timing remained the same relative to the trip. |
Add/remove/change locations | Change the locations to what they need to be. If we wanted to remove the last stop in our example Ohio trip to make it a one-way instead of a round trip, simply remove the last location in the planner (ie. remove the last Columbus stop). This would remove the last stop for all selected trips, but keep their timing (ie. the first trip would still depart Monday 9am and the second trip at Tuesday 1pm). |